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SailingDAO's NFT project is focused on creating the world's largest yacht club, utilizing web3.0 technologies. Our mission is to build a passionate and engaged community of sailing and yachting enthusiasts who can actively participate in the development of the club.

Our innovative approach aims to break down the barriers that exist within the traditional yacht club industry and bridge the gap between the sailing and yachting industry and the digital world. Through our project, we seek to revolutionize the yacht club industry by providing unique opportunities and benefits to our members and the broader community on a global scale.

With our NFT project, SailingDAO is committed to providing an exciting and accessible platform for enthusiasts to connect and engage with one another, regardless of their location. By leveraging the power of blockchain technology, we can create a truly decentralized and transparent community that allows for unprecedented levels of participation and involvement.

We believe that our project has the potential to transform the yacht club industry and redefine the way in which sailing and yachting enthusiasts connect and engage with one another. Our vision is to create a vibrant and active community that drives innovation and inspires new ideas, all while bringing together individuals who share a passion for sailing and yachting.

The challenges and opportunities of launching an NFT project:

The NFT and Web3 world is full of exciting opportunities, but it also presents some significant challenges. Unfortunately, many scam projects exist in this space, and few have achieved real success. To launch a successful NFT project today, it requires a significant time commitment and the project must be managed like a full-fledged company.

At SailingDAO, we recognize these challenges and are committed to standing out from other NFT projects by prioritizing real utility and transparency. Our unique approach focuses on addressing the digitalization challenges of the sailing industry, which has been left behind in the technological era. We understand that introducing new realities to this industry may be difficult, but we believe our approach will provide exciting new opportunities for our community.

To build trust and credibility, our team is 100% doxxed, and we are dedicated to being as transparent as possible. We recognize the importance of transparency and honesty in the NFT space, and we strive to set the bar high in this regard. Our commitment to transparency and our focus on real-world applications sets us apart from other NFT projects, and we are confident that our approach will make a significant difference in the industry.

Membership levels and benefits

SailingDAO's NFT project will offer two types of membership: "Captain" and "Sailor." Each membership level will provide different benefits to individuals worldwide. We aim to provide our members with a unique ownership experience and exciting opportunities within the sailing and yacht club industry.

Our NFT collection will be hosted on the Ethereum blockchain, and the price of minting is yet to be determined. However, SailingDAO plans to set a price that reflects the project's utilities and benefits. The supply of SailingDAO's NFTs will be limited to between 5k and 10k. We will finalize the exact number in the future, but we believe that this limited supply will enhance the exclusivity and value of our NFTs.

As a member of SailingDAO, individuals will have access to exclusive events, merchandise, and other unique opportunities within the sailing and yacht club industry. Our aim is to create a vibrant and active community that fosters innovation and inspires new ideas, all while bringing together individuals who share a passion for sailing and yachting.

We believe that our NFT project will provide our members with a truly unique and exciting ownership experience that goes beyond traditional yacht club memberships. With our limited supply of NFTs and exclusive benefits, we are confident that our project will stand out from other NFT projects and provide real value to our members.

Governance Structure and Community Participation

At SailingDAO, we believe that our project should be governed in a transparent and decentralized manner, with input from our community of holders. To achieve this, our governance structure will consist of 4x "Captains" and 1x "Sailor," who will work together to make decisions that benefit the project as a whole.

In addition, SailingDAO will provide its community with a platform where they can participate in decision-making processes through voting. This platform will allow holders to express their opinions on important matters such as tokenomics, roadmap, and partnerships. We believe that the involvement of our community is crucial to the success of our project, and we are committed to making sure that their voices are heard.

Through this decentralized governance structure and community participation, SailingDAO aims to create a project that is truly owned and driven by its community. We believe that this approach will lead to a more vibrant and active community that fosters innovation and inspires new ideas.

As we move forward, we will continue to prioritize transparency and community involvement in our decision-making processes. We believe that this approach will not only benefit our project, but also the wider NFT and yacht club industries, as we work to revolutionize these spaces with new ideas and technologies.


SailingDAO's roadmap is filled with exciting milestones that will expand the reach and benefits of its NFT project. These milestones include:

  • Establishing partnerships with well-known names in the industry and providing exclusive benefits to its holders through IRL events. These events will be held in unique and untouched locations, providing unforgettable experiences.
  • Creating a platform that allows members to vote and receive benefits offered by SailingDAO's partners.
  • Offering a boutique shopping experience to its members with an ecommerce platform featuring a curated selection of premium products sourced from partners and exclusive collections designed under its own brand.
  • Managing a fleet of boats that will be made available to its holders. More information on how holders can access them will be revealed in the future.
  • Providing holders with exclusive access to some of the most desirable locations and services through collaborations with other yacht clubs around the world.
  • Offering special access to famous industry events or international regattas.

These are just the beginning of SailingDAO's roadmap, and the project is eager to receive feedback and support from its community as it moves forward.

The Team

  • Luca Spezzano is a frontend developer with experience in SCRUM methodology. He has been in the tech industry for seven years, starting his career by taking a bootcamp in San Francisco. Luca is passionate about web3 and sees it as a significant opportunity for early adopters who can make the most of it.
  • Massimiliano Fiori is a software engineer who joined the SailingDAO team to work on building the NFT and minting experience. He is based in Italy and has been interested in crypto since buying his first Bitcoin in 2016.
  • Alessandro Cirocchi is an experienced innovation manager and CTO based in Umbria, Italy. He has been with his current company since its foundation and has been actively involved in the development of blockchain-based projects. In 2017, he created a platform for the certification of works of art and the enhancement of artists using blockchain technology. Alessandro strongly believes in the potential of web3.0 and is passionate about applying its advantages to real-world situations.
  • Susanna is an experienced digital product architect with a specialization in user experience design. With over 10 years of experience working in the information and communication technology sector, she brings a wealth of knowledge to the SailingDAO team. Susanna is a visionary who is always on the lookout for new challenges and is excited to be a part of the emerging world of web 3.0. She sees the potential for blockchain technology to revolutionize many industries, including sailing, and is eager to explore the possibilities with the SailingDAO project.
  • Gianluca Ambrogio is a passionate sailor, captain, and skipper with years of experience in the maritime industry. He has raced in multiple offshore international regattas in the Mediterranean and has gained expertise in everything around boats. Gianluca currently manages the online division of a multinational company in San Francisco and is excited to spread the word about SailingDAO among the US sailing community.